Security Council
Distinguished Secretariat, Chairs, and Delegates,
It is my utmost honor to welcome you to the twenty-fifth iteration of the Seoul Model United Nations conference.
My name is Glenn Lee, a senior at Seoul Foreign School and am humbled to serve as your President of the Security Council.
The theme of “Bonds of Unity” exemplifies the work being done all around the world by leaders seeking to positively impact others and to create change. Yet, we still face challenges as society emerges from the pandemic in the midst of multiple humanitarian and economic crises. The Security Council is unique in its power and scope, while bearing the responsibility to efficiently tackle the most prevalent issues face on.
To that end, this year, the Security Council will discuss the Situation in Afghanistan, the Situation in Sudan and South Sudan, and the crisis in the Lake Chad Basin. Each region has faced a multitude of issues, ranging from terrorism, humanitarian and economic crises, and political instability which remain unresolved as conflicts drag on. They are areas of the world which have been neglected, thus proving why they must be examined further by the Security Council.
Delegates have the chance to affirm the importance of diplomacy and cooperation in difficult times, and my vision would be for this to be shown through respectful, yet enthusiastic, collaborating on the agenda topics that will be debated upon.
Best of luck to you all,
Glenn H. Lee
President of the Security Council
Seoul Foreign School ‘23
Glenn Lee (SFS)
Janice Ngai (KGV)
Jason Baek (SIS)
Agenda 1: Situation in Afghanistan
Agenda 3: Addressing Crisis in the Lake Chad Basin
Agenda 2: The Situation in Sudan and South Sudan